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Following the signing of contract with Pots Construction Pty (Ltd), for the construction Delivery Road, contract sum of E 3 684 640.64, on 14th May 2018, Council has embarked on the upgrade of this road from gravel to bitumen standard. In terms of progress made, the contractor has completed the relocation of services and their focus now is on earthworks (excavation). The road measures 420 meters, stretching from Evelyn Baring - R.P Stephens junction, in front of Swaziland Water Services Corporation offices till KFC junction. As part of this project, storm water drains, pedestrian walkways and proper driveways will also be constructed along Delivery road. Funding for this project was sourced from the government of Eswatini, under the Eswatini Local Government Project (formerly SLGP) as well as funds from Council’s own source.

Project duration and completion

Council anticipates to complete this project within six months, that is by December 2018.

Benefits of this project

Through the implementation of the road upgrade, Council believes that traffic congestion will be eased within the town centre, since the new road will enable delivery trucks and vans to deliver directly to the shop’s store rooms. Secondly, infrastructure development provides a foundation for both physical and economic development, therefore; through the road upgrade, the central business district (CBD) or town centre of Pigg’s Peak will be extended through new property developments towards the west side of the town as opposed to having a linear town centre.